Speech Coach

As a premier speech coach and communication expert, I have had great success helping business professionals improve their communication skills.

I can help you too.  I have done speech coaching with individuals in every major industry and at every level, including Fortune 100 executives to small business owners.  Call me at  (708) 710-2562.

Coaching Process

Each coaching session is customized to your objectives. Because I don’t believe in wasting time or money, you will see results in the first hour. You will get to your next level of speaking in a supportive and positive environment.


Speaking should not be stressful or uncomfortable.  Whether you need help with a presentation, job interview, speaking to your staff, or one on one, I can help you.

I offer speech coaching in person, by Skype or in a group.

Together we explore your speaking challenges, beliefs, and fears in a positive environment. My experience has taught me that everyone has areas of insecurity that can be overcome. I address your specific challenges and guide you to find your authentic voice in a supportive atmosphere.

==> I promise that you will improve your speaking during a presentation, on conference calls, or in any situation.  Call me at  (708) 710-2562.



    • As a result of individual coaching, you will:
    • Gain confidence
    • Be able to deliver a clear strong message
    • Add interesting stories to make a point
    • See more results than ever in your speaking
    •  Build greater rapport with your audience
    • Improve your individual communication issues

Clients Say

 “You are a miracle worker.  You have a gift for making people feel comfortable and actually making speaking fun.  Your approach to coaching and development is superb.”
Cathy Dee, Fannie Mae


“You are a rock star!  What a difference you have made working with our president, he has confidence, enthusiasm, presence.  Our CEO is very impressed.”
Jackie Werblo, HR, Riddell Sports